• My faith is my lifestyle †
  • Golden Hour with a view is my happy place
  • Give me a good Rom Com, Period Drama 
    or Thriller & a good snack ❤
  • Sarcasm & laughter are welcome
  • Traveling is a big part of my life
  • Beach or Mountains: Mountains ѧѦ ѧ
  • City or Country: BOTH
  • A cool thrift shop and cafe is my idea of a great day.

Why “Lanaro”?

It’s simple, Amaro was my last name prior to getting married, then it became Landrau. It was important to me that both names played a role in my art.
Thus, LANARO was born! But you can call me Leti :)
Depending on the day, I'm a photographer and videographer based in Florida. When I capture moments it's quite simple: Me, my camera and amazing people who let me tag along! I like my work to reflect simplicity in the most beautiful form. My passion also extends beyond the camera, I just love people! This life is a gift, so why not capture our favorite moments? FL is home, so you can say I’m pretty familiar with the laid back tropical lifestyle. However, I’m always motivated to explore the world around me. Combining my passion for photography and my love for travel is something I’ll always keep pursing for as long as I can. I’m always adding to my travel bucket list *wink wink 
If you're there, i'm there!